Support Crawford Athletics! Crawford Booster Club Fundraiser is underway! Information and order form is attached. See any Booster Club Member to get your tickets today!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Booster Club Fundraiser
Congratulations to Crawford golf teams as both are advancing on to the Regional Golf Tournament! Great job to our Lady Pirates who are the District Champions!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Lady Pirates
Crawford golf
Revised link of April & May Events for Crawford Elementary!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
End of Year Events
Parents! We have some big testing days coming up. Crawford ISD testing schedule for this week: Tuesday April 9 - Grades 4 and 7 Writing, English 1 End-of-Course. Wednesday April 10 -Grades 5 & 8 Reading. Thursday April 11- Grades 5 & 8 Math. English 2 End-of-Course.
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Congratulations to the Jr. High Boys Track Teams! 7th grade boys team won the District Championship and the 8th grade boys finished 2nd. Congratulations to both on a great season!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Pirate Pride
Congratulations to the Jr. High Track Teams! The 7th & 8th grade girls track teams are the 2019 District Champions! Great season Lady Pirates!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
JH Girls
Congratulations to Mason Perry who was 2nd. high in Ag Mech at Texas A&M!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Congratulations to Crawford OAP Cast, Crew, and Directors! The season ended at Area but what a great year it has been! Individual Awards: Johnnye Parker received All-Star Cast! Kristin Bernhardt- Honorable Mention All-Star Cast and Carolyn Reynolds- All-Star Crew!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Area OAP
May 4th Election Information is now posted. Stay tuned for further information that will posted on this link next week.
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Election Information
Congrats to all students who competed in the District UIL contest this last Saturday in Moody! Crawford won 1st place so are now the UIL Champs for 5 years in a row! We also had 5 teams who finished 1st: Speech, Mathematics, Number Sense, Accounting, and Spelling Teams!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
District UIL
OAP is ready and waiting! Curtain opens in 13 minutes at the Area Contest! Good luck!!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Congratulations to our students who are advancing to the Regional UIL Meet that will be held April 12-13 at Panola College in Carthage! Those advancing are: Grace Powell, Sarah Love. Peyton Elmore, Ana Maddox, Kendall Schuerg, Luke Westerfield, Kaleb Donald, Weston Metayer, Brianna Downey, Colby Plemons, Jazmine Salazar, Stephen Weatherman, Blaine Hyland, Ty Hilliard, Sean Donaghe, Kourtney Bernhardt, Lily Norcross, Taylor Westerfeld, Mackensie Wiethorn, Liizleidy Velasquez, Jaelyn Lewis, Courtney Allen, Will Browning, and Anne Williams.
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Regional Qualifiers
Crawford One Act Play is getting ready for competition in the Area Contest! Good luck this morning to Crawford OAP Cast, Crew, and Directors!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
One act play
Regional Tennis Tshirt is now on sale! Very fast turnaround. All order forms and money must be turned in to either school office by noon on Monday, April 8th.
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Regional Tennis Logo
Good Luck to OAP as they compete today in the Area Contest at Hillsboro High School! Curtain will go up on Crawford's play at 11 a.m. this morning! Results will be announced later tonight.
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Ag. Mechanics team placed 2nd at the Cisco College contest! Luke Brookshire was 2nd hIgh individual and Mason Perry was 3rd high individual!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Ag mechanics team
Congratulations to Camille Ward! She placed 2nd at the Texas Relays this weekend in the pole vault. She broke her own school record twice along the way. Cleared 12'6" which is her all time best!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Pirate Pride
DATE CHANGE: The 3rd annual Crawford Softball Alumni Game is Sunday, April 14th. Beginning at 6 p.m. in front of the High School there will be a short ceremony to dedicate the 2012 and 2014 state championship monuments! Alumni game will start at 6:30pm at Pirate softball field followed by a small reception. Please spread the word so we can have as many past players present as possible.
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Crawford America
The 2019-2020 Crawford ISD School Calendar is now available online.
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Crawford Logo
Crawford ISD will have an Early Release on Thursday, April 18th. Elementary will release at 12:45 and High School at 1 p.m. There will be no school on Friday (April 19th) or on Monday (April 22nd). Happy Easter!
almost 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Haooy Easter