Please Note: Crawford ISD will be holding a site evacuation drill this afternoon. This drill is just one of the many things that the District is doing to ensure continued safety and security for our students and staff. Crawford Elementary students will be bused to the middle school gym during the drill.
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
School safety
Congratulations Pirates on the Bi- District win over Hubbard tonight with a score of 52 -27! Information on next playoff round will be posted soon.
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Congratulations to our Lady Pirates who have qualified for the Region 2 - Division 3 Regional Powerlifting meet that will be held at Academy High School on March 2nd:Sadey Paniagua, Sally Love, Kealey Witt,Caieleigh D'Angelo, Erica Ivey, and Kamryn Winget!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Pirate Pride
Track Shirts are now on sale! Very quick turnaround! All order forms are due this Friday by 3 p.m.
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Track Shirts
Please Note: Crawford ISD will be holding a site evacuation drill tomorrow afternoon. This drill is just one of the many things that the District is doing to ensure continued safety and security for our students and staff. Crawford Elementary students will be bused to the middle school gym during the drill.
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
School safety
Pirates Bi-District game is tonight at 7 pm vs Hubbard. Game will be played at University High School in Waco. Come out and support your Pirates! Be Loud! Be Proud!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Today’s softball games that were scheduled to be played at West have been moved to tomorrow and moved up an hour. We will play West @ West tomorrow afternoon at: 4:00 PM/ 6:00 PM (teams: Varsity followed by JV)
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Mason Perry- 1st. and reserve champion division. Megan Perry 1st. division 3 in Brangus show at San Antonio! Congratulations to both!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Pirates Bi-District game will be tomorrow night at 7 pm vs Hubbard. Game will be played at University High School in Waco. Come out and support your Pirates! Be Loud! Be Proud!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Lady Pirates season ended tonight in the Area Round of playoffs. Congratulations on a great season!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Lady Pirates
Molly Green received a 1 - Excellent rating at UIL TWIRL competition last Saturday. She will compete at State, representing Crawford High School in June!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Congratulations to Taylor Gohlke with her 3rd place cross swine at San Angelo!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Parent GT Nominations are now being accepted through March 8th.
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Crawford Logo
Lady Pirates Area Round Basketball game will be this Friday (Feb.15) at 6:00pm, at Leon HS, vs Lovelady. Make plans now to go out and support your Lady Pirates!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Congratulations Lady Pirates! Bi-District Champions with a 59-32 win over Wortham!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Bi District Champs
Track Schedule is now posted!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
A new Scholarship List is now posted!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Donuts with Dad was a big hit this morning and a great way to kick off the day at Crawford Elementary! Thanks to Crawford PTO and all the dads who made this morning so special for our little Pirates!
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Donuts with Dad
Pirate baseball shirts are now on sale! Deadline to order is this Friday by 3 p.m.
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD
Baseball Shirt
Lady Pirate softball shirts are now on sale! All orders must be turned in by 3 p.m. this Friday.
about 6 years ago, Crawford ISD