Crawford wins 1st set 29-27!

Lady Pirates are IN THE HOUSE!! 20 minutes until our game starts.

FCCLA packed 40 boxes for Operation Christmas Child! Thanks to these girls for making such a difference in these children's lives! Thanks also to all who supplied the bottles of water and baked good that the FCCLA sold during Crawford's 150th Celebration! All proceeds collected during the celebration went towards funding this project!

Fan bus will be leaving at 1 pm on Wednesday. Sign up with Betty Slaughter at High School if you want to ride.

There will be a fan bus (school bus) going to State VB Tournament on Wednesday! Free to ride. Contact Betty Slaughter in HS tomorrow to sign up! 254-486-2381

Congrats to Dawsen Holly and Meghan Kevil. They have been selected to the TGCA All State CC Team for their accomplishments this season!

Good Luck to Crawford FFA as they compete this afternoon in the District LDE Contests that will be held at Midway HS!!!

The 11/20 and 11/21 HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS basketball games have been cancelled. The first HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS game will be on 11/28.

Congrats Morgan Claxton & Baylee Griffith who made the Regional VB All Tournament Team and to Haley Vaughn who was Regional Tournament MVP!

State Volleyball Tournament Information: Curtis Culwell Center, 4999 Naaman Forest Blvd Garland, TX 75040
*2A SEMI-FINAL Games Game 1: Wednesday, November 15th - 5:00 pm; Crawford vs Archer City ---
Game 2: Wednesday, November 15th - 7:00 pm; Iola vs Burton ---
2A FINAL Game Thursday, November 16th - 5:30 pm; Game 1 winners vs Game 2 winner --- Cost: Student (age 2-18) $7; Adult (single day) $12; 2-Day Tournament Pass (Wed./Thurs.) $20. Cash and credit cards will be accepted. Ticket sales begin 2 hours prior to the scheduled match time. Doors will open one hour prior to the first match. ---
Parking: $15 at the Curtis Culwell Center. Pre-sale parking is also available online for $9. ---
Clear Bag Policy Information (Click on Link): http://tinyurl.com/y8kk6zvw All State Volleyball Games can be viewed via webcast (click on Link): http://www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/uil or you can download the nfhs network app for iPhone or android. Webcast Subscription Cost is $9.95.

6TH GRADE PARENTS: Elementary Thanksgiving Lunch change...6th grade will eat at 12:25 NOT 12:45 as originally planned. 5th & 6th grade will eat at same time now because of Early Release.

VERY IMPORTANT: Crawford ISD will have an Early Release on Wednesday. Elementary 12:45. HS at 1 p.m. This will allow travel time for State VB Tournament. IF the girls win, then we will have Early Release at the same time on Thursday, If they do not win, then Thursday will be a regular school day.

Lady Pirates vs. Archer City at 5 on Wednesday in the State Tournament!!! Location: Curtis Culwell Center in Garland. Go Lady Pirates!!!

Bi-District Football Playoff game: Crawford vs. Riesel at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Bremond. Go Pirates!!

Lets hear it for those STATE BOUND Lady Pirates!!

Lady Pirates just won the Regional Tournament and are State Tournament Bound!!!!

Pirates beat Hico 35-3 tonight at Tiger Stadium! Way to go Pirates!!!

Lady Pirates won and are headed to the Regional Finals game tomorrow at 11 vs Thrall!! Go Lady Pirates!!!

THANK YOU to all the Veterans and current military members who came and let us honor you today at our Pep Rally! Happy Veterans Day!! Pirates, Lady Pirates and all the staff at Crawford ISD thank you for all you did so we can live the life we live!