Cross Country Banquet was held last night! Pictures are the girls and the boys cross country teams. Stay tuned for pictures of all who received awards!
Information for Dual Credit Students...
No school tomorrow..
The Crawford Junior High is hosting a track meet on March 14th. The meet will start at 4:00 pm at the Crawford High School. We are looking for volunteers to work the meet. Attached is a google sheet to sign up on. If you have any questions please let Coach Mayfield or Coach Buie know.
Mrs. Mitchell and her students zoomed with Tom Rogers today for World Read Aloud Day!!
Tonight! On the news!
S’more Chemistry fun!
PLEASE NOTE: An effort is made to make the decision the night before. But in some weather situations, that would not be possible. If that is the case then a decision is usually made by 6 a.m.
Mrs. Smith’s Chemistry students had S’more fun today!
Spread the word! Basketball tonight....
Looking ahead....
Crawford ISD Job Opening!
Mrs. Bolgiano’s class is 100 days smarter today! They did a great job on their projects!
Mrs Dillon’s class has Blasted through 100 Days of School!!
Order your Flower grams TODAY! These will be delivered to students on Monday, Feb. 14th. Order forms with money are due to either school office by NOON on Wednesday, Feb. 9th.
Our kids are celebrating being 100 days smarter today!
Today is the 100th Day of School at Crawford Elementary!
Thanks to Brady Taylor from KWTX! He came out this morning and gave a presentation about tornados to our 3rd - 5th graders!
Mark Your Calendar!
Cross Country Banquet...