Good Luck to Crawford Tennis! Our "Eight to State" are making school history as we send our largest group ever to the State Tennis Meet! They are on the road to College Station to start competition tomorrow!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
State Tennis
Thanks to St. Paul Lutheran Church in Crawford for hosting lunch for our Seniors today! The fajitas and delicious sides and desserts were a big hit! The Lutheran Church will also be hosting Baccalaureate this Sunday, May 20th, at 6 p.m.
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Seniors Strolling to Lutheran Church
Crawford ISD will finish out the school year next Thursday! There will be Early Dismissals next Wednesday & Thursday. Elementary will dismiss at 12:45. High School will dismiss at 1 p.m.
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Crawford ISD
Please Note! Awards Assemblies will be held next week! Junior High Awards Assembly will be held on Monday at 2 p.m. in the High School Gym. K-3rd graders will have theirs on Wednesday at 9 a.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria. 4th - 6th grade will be on Thursday at 9 a.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria.
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Pirate Pride
Revised School Calendar for 2018-2019 is now posted. Bad Weather Day was moved from April 26th to April 22nd.
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Crawford Pirate
Parents, save yourself time and order school supplies for next year now! School supplies are available for preorder for children in incoming grades K-8. A form should have come home with your child, or you can order online. Paper forms must be turned in by the last day of school!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
School Supply Pack
Summer Football Camp for incoming 9th graders will be held July 30th - August 2nd! Don't miss out! Sign up now!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Crawford Football
Summer Football Camps will be held July 24th - 26th for incoming 3rd - 8th graders! Sign up now!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Crawford Football
Regional Quarterfinal Round in Baseball: Crawford vs Valley Mills. Game 1: May 17, Thursday, at 6:00 Game 2: May 18, Friday, at 4:30. Game 3: 30 minutes following game 2 if necessary. All games at Waco Veterans Field #1.
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Dawsen was 5th in the mile run at the State Meet with a time of 5:36.45!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Lady Pirates are Regional Semifinal Bound! Softball plays Axtell at 6:00 on Wednesday at Waco game!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Congrats to Dawsen Holly! 3rd place in the 3200 meter run at the State Track Meet!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Congratulations to Camille Ward! 3rd place at the State Track Meet with a vault of 12'!!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Elementary Awards Assemblies are coming up soon! K-3 will be Wednesday, May 23rd, at 9 a.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria. 4th-6th will be Thursday, May 24th. Due to limited space in the lunchroom during Awards Assemblies, all students will now be required to stay with their class during the entire awards assembly. This means, you will not be able to check one of your children out of school so they can watch their sibling's awards assembly. This also means that you will not be able to get your Kindergarten student to stay with you to watch the rest of the K-3 assembly when the Kindergarten students get up to go back to class. You are free to check out your students as soon as the assembly is over! Thank you so much for your help with this!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Parent Information
ATTENTION all 2018-2019 Boy & Girl Athletes in both Jr. High & High School! Southwest Sports Medicine will be giving Free Physicals to Crawford Athletes at 4 p.m. on May 22nd. Athletes will be transported by bus to the clinic and back to school. More Information will be given to athletes by their coaches.
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Crawford Pirate
NEW SUMMER CAMP!! A Summer Football Camp will be offered to incoming 3rd-8th graders! Camp dates will be July 24th- 26th. Registration Forms will be given out next week.
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Football Helmet
Congratulations to Meghan Kevil who signed her letter of intent this morning! Meghan will be running track & cross country for Concordia University in Austin!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Thanks to Crawford PTO for providing lunch today for our teachers! The salads & desserts were delicious! Thank you for everything you do for our students and staff!!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Salad Lunch
SENIOR PARENTS.. please note that this Friday is the last day to order the begonias for graduation. No late orders will be accepted.
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD
Class of 2018
Crawford Elementary enjoyed Jon Antunes and his golf lesson! Fun day for all students K-5!
almost 7 years ago, Crawford ISD